Victory Fall LifeGroups are HERE!
Groups begin the week of September 29.
We would love to see you experience God and the care of his family through a LifeGroup! Making time to be in a group is a great step in being a part of God’s family here at Victory Church. LifeGroups will help you experience the joy of knowing God and equip you to live out his purposes for your life. Victory LifeGroups are also a lot of fun. Ask anyone!
“There are so many to choose from! A LifeGroup is a good way to get to know people, to learn and experience the scriptures in a new way, and to improve and expand your relationship with God.”
Victory Church LifeGroups are open to everyone. Group signups open three times a year: in January, May and September. A LifeGroup may consist of 6 people or a large group with smaller tables. Groups meet for 6 to 12 weeks in homes, local coffee shops, or at church and are led by members of Victory Church who have been trained to help you grow in your walk with Christ. No matter who you are, there’s a group for you!