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Interested in leading a LifeGroup at Victory Church?
LifeGroup leaders are the ones who keep a growing church connected and caring. Group leaders make the space for life transformation where individuals grow in Christlikeness.

Hello! Thanks for your interest in LifeGroup leadership at Victory Church. Victory LifeGroups are where:

  • We experience God through our relationships and become more like Him
  • We care for one another and are cared for
  • We develop greater love for those outside the church through serving together
  • We empower one another to step out to serve our church and world with our God-given gifts

LifeGroup leaders are intentional about making these things happen!

As a LifeGroup leader, we want you to have a great experience! To equip you to ensure that our LifeGroups are safe, engaging, disciple-making spaces, we ask those who lead to do the following:

  1. Attend a LifeGroup at Victory for at least one semester
  2. Complete Victory’s Growth Track
  3. Attend our two-hour New Leader Orientation
  4. Attend our once-a-semester Leader Huddle
  5. Make Victory Church your home church, participate in our community through regular worship attendance and pursue official membership to Victory Church

I’d love to talk with you about stepping up into LifeGroup leadership with Victory Church. Email me with your interest and I’d love to set up a time to talk. Email me at [email protected].

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