Our Toddler Program will introduce a routine into your child’s early learning while encouraging their newly discovered sense of self-sufficiency.

Toddler Program
- Our Toddler environment will provide developmentally appropriate hands-on experiences to build a foundation for future learning.
- Our Toddler program is open to ages 13 months-24 months.
- Our Toddler program utilizes a small group format to focus on students’ individual development.
What will a day look like for my toddler?
7:00-9:00am | Arrivals and Free Play
9:00am | Morning Snack and Diapers
9:30am | Circle time
9:45am | Free play and Small Group Activities
10:30am | Recess
11:00am | Bible story/ diapers
11:30am | Group Lunches and Learning Groups
12:30pm | Diapers and Nap Prep
12:45pm | Nap Time
3:00pm -5:30pm | Afternoon Snack, Diapers and Free play
Your Baby Will Explore Developmental Domains
Our domains are based on PA state standards and full infant standards adhered to can be found here.

What do those skills look like practically?
Social Skills:
The student will be able to:
- Start to share their toys
- Start to follow simple directions- one step/two step directions
- Raise hand when name is called (name recognition)
- Sit for a five minute circle time
- Sit and listen to short stories
- Start to use “please” and “thank you”
- Begin to communicate verbally (2-3 word sentences)
- Begin to participate in songs/finger plays
- Should have 20-25 developed words
Fine Motor Skills:
The student will be able to:
- Wash their hands with assistance
- Start eating independently with spoon and fork
- Clap their hands
- Hold a large crayon/beginning coloring skills
- Use a large paint brush
- Manipulate play dough or other objects through fingers
Gross Motor Skills:
The student will be able to:
- Walk without falling
- March to music
- Raise hand when name is called
- Use hands and fingers in songs
- Turn pages to a book
- Throw balls or bean bags
- Stack and build with blocks
- Kick a ball