Our Infant Program is a loving, nurturing, and safe environment for your child's care away from home.

Infant Program
- Our infant program encourages children to explore their surroundings through their developing senses.
- Our infant program is based on your child’s individual schedule and needs.
- Our infant program is for 6 weeks- 12 months.
What will a day look like for my infant?
We follow the needs of each child in our infant classroom but we try to keep to a loose schedule as the infants adjust to being in the classroom setting.
7:00 – 9:00am | Arrival, Floor Play, Bottle Feeding, and Diapers.
9:00 -10:30am | Nap time
10:30am-1:00pm | Sensory Play, Tummy Time, Feedings, and Diapers
1:00- 3:00pm | Afternoon Nap
3:00-5:30pm | Feedings, Playtime, and Diapers
Your Baby Will Explore Developmental Domains
Our domains are based on PA state standards and full infant standards adhered to can be found here.

What do those developmental goals look like practically?
Social Skills:
The student will be able to:
- Listen and respond to voices
- Repeat vowel sounds and first syllables
- Babble for attention
- Respond to name
- Seek a missing object
- Observe own hands and feet
- Respond to auditory, visual, or tactile stimulation
- Follow a toy with eyes
- Follow simple commands
Fine Motor Skills:
The student will be able to:
- Hold object in one hand
- Reach for object with two hands
- Hold a spoon
- Feed him/herself with assistance
Gross Motor Skills:
The student will be able to:
- Begin to crawl
- Roll over (front to back)
- Kick legs and waves arms
- Control body movement
- Sit supported for increasing time span
- Sit independently
- Pull to standing position
- Cruise furniture with minimal help
- Take a few steps independently