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Membership at Victory Church is an intentional, outward commitment to mutual accountability. This accountability is not only between you and the church leadership, but connects all those within the church, giving us permission to encourage each other toward love and good works. When you become a member, you commit to be part of our local church family and community of believers. Victory Church is here to help you be and do all God has called you to be and do!

As members we commit to:

  • A commitment to experience God in the context of God’s family, the local church, and to be faithful to Jesus Christ.
  • A commitment to be the Church by caring for one another, being in LifeGroups, and regular proportional giving.
  • A commitment to impact my world by sharing the good News of Jesus, inviting others to serve in the community with me, and inviting others to come worship with me.
  • A commitment to empower one another by serving at Victory Church and inviting others to serve with me.

Your first step to becoming a member is attending GROWTH TRACK.

Want More Information? Attend Our Why Membership Session

We’ll hear the vision and biblical explanation from Pastor Ed and take an in-depth look at what membership means with Pastor Lisa. We hope that this session empowers you to understand the importance of membership and take this next step!”

This meeting is for people who have completed Growth Track.

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