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My child is interested in baptism?

We are so excited that you are considering baptism for your child. Every child can have a personal relationship with Jesus. In VictoryKids, we encourage and give opportunities for children to make a decision to follow Jesus. Our children are encouraged to not just learn about Jesus, but learn from Jesus by walking with Him every day. We advise parents to wait until their child is asking to be water baptized. This is usually a good indication that they are ready to be baptized and it will be a spiritual milestone in their life. While younger children under the age of 5 can have a relationship with Jesus, they will not necessarily remember or understand the significance of the event, so we encourage parents to wait until they are a little older.

As a family, a great way to discern your child is ready is to go through this packet.

Does your family want to grow in rest rhythms?

Are you wondering about parenting and mental health for your child?

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