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Baptism is a way to publicly communicate your decision to follow Christ

Baptisms take place on the third Sunday each month. We have a prerequisite information session that we ask those who are planning to be baptized to attend that occurs on the last Wednesday of every month. Please fill out the form here, and we’ll follow up with the details for the info session.

When should I get baptized?
As soon as you have believed (Acts 2:41, Acts 8:35-38)

What is the meaning of baptism?
The Bible likens baptism to Christ’s burial and resurrection. (Romans 6:3-7) Baptism doesn’t save us but is part of the “new life” we are to experience in Christ.

Why should I be baptized?
Placing your faith in Christ as your Savior is what guarantees your salvation and new life in Him. However, the Bible does not separate believing from baptism.  Colossians 2:12 says,“For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with Him you were raised to new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead.”

If you’ve believed in the mighty, saving power of God and accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are ready to be baptized!  Sin and death have lost their power in your life.  So don’t miss out on this powerful opportunity to be raised up to your new life!

Frequently Asked Questions about Baptism

What does water baptism mean?

Just like Jesus was buried in a tomb and came back to life, water baptism represents the death and burial of the sin in your life and your rebirth as a Christian. It’s a physical indication of what has already taken place in your heart by faith

A Holy Defiance

Water baptism signifies a holy defiance over the sinful nature that once controlled you. It symbolizes the new godly nature you received at the very moment you believed and decided to follow Jesus.

A New Identity

Water baptism indicates that you identify with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. It means you’re recognizing the significance of Jesus, the perfect and sinless Son of God paying for the sin of the world by being put to death on a cross and buried in the ground, and yet, rising from the dead three days later. It means you recognize that, because of the price that was paid for your salvation, you’ve become a new person and joined in fellowship with the community of Jesus followers.

A Change Of Heart

In the Old Testament, worship and obedience to God were made evident by outwardly offering burnt offerings and circumcision. Now, Jesus’ death paid the price of the forgiveness of sins and made a way for mankind to walk in fellowship with God. New Testament evidence of following God is the internal virtues or gifts given by the Holy Spirit. They affect the human heart and change the way to act, think and live. These gifts or fruits of the Spirit–love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22) to name a few. Since we cannot show someone our heart or how it is affected by these internal virtues, water baptism serves as the outward expression that our heart has been changed and deeply affected by this newfound closeness you have with God. It illustrates a discarding of our old sinful heart in exchange for a new heart renewed by Jesus’ love.

A Desire To Obey

When you willingly respond and make this step, it’s proof that you want to follow and obey Jesus, an outward expression of what you’ve decided in your heart.

Who should be baptized?

In order for baptism to have significant spiritual meaning in your life, you should have already experienced the transformation of deciding to follow Jesus by believing that he died on the cross in your place, repenting (turning from) your sins, having faith that Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, and wanting to obey Him no matter what.

Repenting Of Sins

Repentance doesn’t mean you feel sorry or convicted of your sin (although these things will probably happen when you sin). Instead, repentance means you reject your sin; it means we willingly turn from our sin and asking God to forgive us and wash our sins away. Regular repentance is part of following Jesus (Luke 9:23-34).

Having Faith

Faith in Jesus Christ is what defines a Christian. To have faith in Him is to solidly believe—to have a deep sense of conviction—that He is the Messiah, the Son of God who came to rescue the world from sin and death. Faith, then, is what makes us aware of God’s promises of hope and happiness on earth and eternal life with God in heaven.

What if I was baptized before?

This depends on whether you were a Christian at the time of the baptism. If you were a Christian, there is no reason to be baptized again unless you want to be baptized again after not having lived as a Christian for a long season. If you were baptized before you became a Christian, you should be water baptized again.

What about sprinkling?

This depends on whether you were a Christian at the time of the baptism. If you were a Christian, there is no reason to be baptized again unless you want to be baptized again after not having lived as a Christian for a long season. If you were baptized before you became a Christian, you should be water baptized again.

What about infant baptism?

No instance of infant baptism was ever recorded in the Bible. Because an infant cannot repent and have faith as described in the Bible, there is no benefit to the child who is baptized. It is better for a child to grow and mature until he or she can fully understand the significance of baptism and make an authentic decision to be baptized.

Alternatively, we offer child dedication services. This is a time for parents, friends and family to dedicate themselves in raising the child to serve the Lord. This is a special and holy ceremony.

Is water baptism mandatory?

The thief who hung on the cross beside Jesus on the day of crucifixion is evidence that salvation is assured without being water baptized. His conversation with Jesus took place as he was dying and, though the man had no chance to be baptized, Jesus promised that he would be in heaven that day. Clearly, however, baptism is a deeply meaningful event in the life of the Christian. Though it isn’t mandatory, it is an act of obedience and a very fulfilling event that every believer should experience.

A Baptism Story: Lori Howell

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