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#23 | Healing the Wounds of Trauma

About: Healing the Wounds of Trauma (HWT) is a safe, six-session small group where people with heart wounds can find healing, engage with Scripture, and become more resilient. This group is led by trained facilitators and covers topics such as God’s presence in suffering, grieving, and forgiveness. HWT is not intended to be a replacement for professional mental health care. Group members are required to attend all six sessions; please know that if you cannot commit to attending all six sessions, we ask that you prayerfully consider attending a future HWT Life Group. We also ask all who sign up to complete a pre-screen with the facilitator to ensure the HWT group is the best fit. Group members will be asked to purchase the accompanying book for a small fee.

Leader(s): Toni Lyle

Group Type: Women

Group Location: Victory Church

Group Day: Sunday

Group Time: 1:15 – 3:30 PM

Childcare: No

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