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#29 | Cultivating Holy Beauty, Book 3 Walking in the New

About: This semester of Cultivating Holy Beauty studies Book 3, "Walking in the New." This lesson moves beyond the lessons of Jesus' healing achieved through walking in forgiveness and freedom. Participants who have completed Book 2 will practice the moment-by-moment…

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#24 | Women’s Friendship Circle

About: We will dig into who the Holy Spirit is through Francis Chan's "The Forgotten God." This group is for women over 50 looking to have deeper relationships in the body of Christ. We learn, pray, do activities, serve, and…

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#23 | Healing the Wounds of Trauma

About: Healing the Wounds of Trauma (HWT) is a safe, six-session small group where people with heart wounds can find healing, engage with Scripture, and become more resilient. This group is led by trained facilitators and covers topics such as…

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#21 | When Your World Falls Apart

About: We will be reading the book "When Your World Falls Apart" by Dr. David Jeremiah. When life suddenly turns upside down, there in the midst of your trials and in the center of your pain, is God - comforting,…

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#17 | Godly Leadership in the Workplace

About: Men, how can we be godly leaders in the workplace? How do we overcome those battles in our lives that we always seem to be fighting? Together, we will learn to overcome the fears and insecurities that keep us…

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